Socialist Activist Caught in Project Veritas Exposé Has Left Justice Department

Socialist Activist Caught in Project Veritas Exposé Has Left Justice Department
Allison Hrabar, paralegal at the Justice Department antitrust division. (Courtesy of Project Veritas)
Petr Svab

Socialist activist Allison Hrabar no longer works for the Justice Department (DOJ), just days after she was caught on a Project Veritas undercover video talking about resisting the Trump administration from within and describing what may be an illegal use of government resources.

“I can confirm she no longer works here,” a DOJ spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email, without being more specific. Hrabar, a member and organizer of the D.C. chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), gained notoriety when she and other members harassed Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in public, chasing her out of a Washington restaurant.

Undercover reporters with Project Veritas infiltrated the ranks of the DSA branch and secretly filmed Hrabar and others talking about their activities.

“There’s a lot of talk at work about, like, how we can resist from the inside, and there’s a lot of, kind of like, push back,” she told an off-screen undercover reporter when asked if her coworkers do anything to fight against President Donald Trump’s initiatives.

Hrabar, who had been a paralegal in the DOJ’s antitrust division, also described how she sometimes intentionally delays her work in order to cause damage.

On another occasion, Hrabar said that to find out the home address of Washington lobbyist Jeremy Wiley, “we ran the license plate” of his car using government tools, in order to harass him from outside of his home.

“We cannot do it officially,” Hrabar said.

Two other DSA members told undercover reporters that Hrabar uses her government access to the paid LexisNexis database on her work computer to do research on people targeted by DSA.

The use of government resources for political purposes may be a violation of the Hatch Act, which, among other things, prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activities while on duty. It could also be a violation of a statute in the Code of Federal Regulations, which states that federal employees “shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual.”

“These allegations are deeply concerning,” a DOJ spokesperson previously told The Epoch Times. “Department policy prohibits misuse of government resources to advance personal interests. We are looking into this immediately and have referred this matter to the Inspector General, as well.”

Veritas Fallout

Project Veritas videos commonly lead to swift consequences for its targets, such as resignations, terminations, and investigations.
Three videos were released from Sept. 18  to 20, featuring other DSA members such as State Department employee Stuart Karaffa, who said that he routinely conducts political work for DSA during his work hours. The State Department says that it’s probing the matter.

Another target was Jessica Schubel, former senior policy adviser at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), who said her former colleagues were providing her with insider information, including confidential documents.

“These alleged actions are not only unacceptable, but possibly illegal, and warrant a swift and thorough investigation,” an HHS spokesperson previously told The Epoch Times.

The third video featured Natarajan Subramanian, auditor for the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), who said he regularly breaks rules and engages in prohibited activities by using his work hours for DSA. In response, GAO spokesman Chuck Young told The Epoch Times that Subramanian “has been removed from any ongoing GAO work and [has been] cut off from access to GAO equipment.”

Young also said GAO planned to examine Subramanian’s previous work.

Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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